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Research projects

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2023-HERCULES : A physical model of the Gibraltar Strait

Predicting Earth’s climate depends on our understanding of the ocean dynamics on a wide variety of interacting scales in time and space. Gravity currents represent one of the key sub-mesoscale (...)

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2021-CYPROSS : Barotropic Rossby waves in a homogeneous and a nearly stratified rotating flow: the case of the Cyprus Eddy in the Eastern Mediterranean

The laboratory experiment at the Coriolis Platform is motivated by previous oceanographic studies in the Levantine Basin. Field campaigns, in-situ measurements and numerical simulations revealed (...)

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2021-TUBE : Turbulence life of downslope oceanic dense current

L’étude proposée a pour objectif d’améliorer la connaissance des courants océaniques et la qualité de leur représentation dans les simulations numériques et éventuellement dans les systèmes d’analyse et (...)

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2021-INTERNAL : ERC WAUTU - Turbulence d’onde interne avec 4 batteurs et suivi de particules

Le projet 21INTERNAL s’inscrit dans le cadre des études de la turbulence stratifiée menées au LEGI depuis plusieurs années. La stratification correspond à une variation de la densité du fluide avec la (...)

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2020-LEMAN : Flow and mixing processes in the plunging of a dense riverine inflow in a water body

A hyperpycnal river plunging into a lake generates complicated 3D flow patterns and various intermediate scale coherent structures. These coherent structures have their unique 3D shapes and make (...)

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2020-INTERNAL : ERC WATU - Turbulence d’onde interne avec 4 batteurs

Nous testons la possibilité de générer une turbulence stratifiée en forçant des ondes internes de gravité ou d’inertie-gravité à grande échelle. La géométrie du domaine est un pentagonale de manière à (...)

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2019-GAPWEBS : Laboratory Modeling of GAP-Leaping and Intruding Western Boundary Currents under Different Climate Change Scenarios

Western boundary currents (WBCs) are very intense currents that flow along the western boundaries of the oceans and owe their peculiar structure to the sphericity of the earth, which generates (...)

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2019-INTERNAL : ERC WATU - Internal gravity/inertial wave turbulence

Note: all of these research activities are carried out under the European project ERC WATU.
Most of geo and astrophysical flows are turbulent and affected by background stratification, i.e. the (...)

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2019-TUBE : The turbulent life of downslope oceanic dense currents

Understanding Earth’s climate dynamics is one of today’s greatest challenges. It depends on our understanding of the ocean dynamics over a large variety of interacting scales in time and space. (...)

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2018-CROPEX : The Adriatic-Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System ? Coriolis Rotating Platform Experiment (CROPEX)

The sense of rotation of the sub-basin-wide upper circulation in the Northern Ionian Sea (Northern Ionian Gyre) is a possible driver for deviating fresh surface Atlantic waters on their way (...)

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